Below we reveal the truth about penis enlargement for Australian men. Over the years, our research and development team has studied and tested every penile enhancement product available. We always look for new developments that may compliment the Andropenis Gold penis extender. This has given us first hand experience when it comes to buying products to promote new penis growth and ultimately, for a bigger penis. As a result of our experience we offer you a true review on the most falsely advertised penis enlargement products. Below we look at jelqing exercises, pills and male enhancement supplements, penis pumps, penile enlargement surgery (also known as phalloplasty) and Andropenis Gold.
Brief Summary
✘ Penis exercises can be dangerous and can not enlarge the penis effectively.
✘ Pills – do not enlarge the penis. Biologically it is impossible.
✘ Penis pumps can be dangerous and can not permanently increase penis size.
✔ Penis enlargement surgery, is proven to work, but it is expensive and has risks.
✔ Andropenis Gold is a proven alternative to surgery.
Jelqing Exercises
An unsafe and unproven technique is known as Jelqing exercises. Many men wrongly think the penis is made up of muscles which can be exercised. This is not true as there no muscles in the penile shaft. It is mainly made up of ligaments and spongy tissue. The basics of doing these penis exercises is to repeatedly “milk” the penile shaft to force blood into the corpus cavernosum or two main penis chambers. There is a serious issue with using the forceful hand motions that Jelqing uses and the same can be said about similar techniques like hanging weights or using clamping to forcefully engorge the penis. These methods have been reported to cause scar tissue in the penile shaft which can then cause penis curvature and in some severe cases, Peyronie’s disease. This can be due to a buildup of hard plaque or fibrocystic tissue once the penis heals from the trauma.

Biologically, the human body does not grow safely if it is forced or injured. For real penis growth to occur, the exact conditions must be given so the body can adapt with natural cell division. Damaging the penile tissues is a very real risk when performing penis exercises because there is no way to measure or use a safe amount of force. Even for minimal results, these techniques would have to be done for hours a day. There is simply no evidence to suggest that men can safely or effectively enlarge their penis using Jelq exercise routines. There is not one single medical or scientific study to show penis length or width can be increased using this so called penis enlargement method.
Penis Enhancement Pills
If any website is selling “male enhancement” supplements or “penis enlargement” pills to make the penis bigger, they are doing so without any proof. There are no scientific studies or medical trials to prove pills can enlarge the size of a man’s penis. Many men get fooled into believing they can simply pop a pill to grow a bigger penis. If we take a step back it’s not hard to see why it’s impossible. Some of the so called penis enlargement pills can give very serious side effects.
No pill will ever be legally approved as a penis enlargement product because the manufacturers would need to prove the product actually works. The most any pill can do, is to help dilate veins and blood vessels which may help some men gain a stronger erection. Penis enhancement pills cannot create any new biological penis growth or cell division which is how Andropenis increases penis size.
Pills and male enhancement supplements attract many men because they promise a bigger penis with no work or effort. It’s the same as saying men could get bigger muscles by only taking protein shakes or other supplements. This is simply not the case as anyone at your local gym will tell you. To this day, there is not one product or company that has proven pills can enlarge the penis.
Penis Enlargement Pumps
Even though many pumps are advertised for penis enlargement, they can not be give permanent results. Penis pumps were originally made for men who can’t get a good erection and for those who have been diagnosed with erectile dysfunction (E.D) or impotence. A penis pump creates negative vacuum pressure around the penis causing it to fill with blood. If used for prolonged periods, pumps can actually draw lymphatic fluid under the skin of the penis which causes a temporary swelling effect.
Penis Enlargement Surgery
Also known as penile augmentation or phalloplasty, this surgical procedure is usually performed by a plastic surgeon. Surgery has been proven to give permanent penis enlargement in flaccid length by cutting the suspensory ligament, this is the same ligament Andropenis lengthens by permanently stretching and growing. Penis girth can also be increased by using fat injections or by Dermal Fat Graphs but the results are not permanent.
Research suggests a 70% dissatisfaction rate among men who have had penis lengthening or widening using penis phalloplasty surgical procedures. This means 7 out of 10 men who had penis enlargement surgery were less than satisfied with the results. The cost for penile surgical procedures can be upwards of $6000. One risk of penis enlargement surgery is an inability to gain an erection. As well as the weeks of recovery needed, men should consider all relevant factors for the 1 to 2 inches that can be gained by using this procedure.
Andropenis Penis Enlargement
The Andropenis penis enlarger is a very finely tuned type 1 medical device that is worn on the penis to promote new penis growth. There are many non medically backed companies making low quality penis extenders that have not been genuinely tested or approved. However the fact is, these fakes come up very short in terms of safe and effective results.
In the 10 years of clinical trials before the release of Andropenis, the scientists at Andromedical found a very precise amount of tension needs to be used for safe and effective penis enlargement when using penile traction. They also discovered that the silicone noose design to secure the glans of the penis to the device, is the only effective method that works when applying the optimal amount of tension.
The Andropenis is the highest quality medical grade penis enlarger and penile curvature treatment device in the world. We proudly offer 6 month money back guarantee and lifetime warranty on all packages.
The Andropenis is suitable for both short and long term use. It is also certified or registered with international CE, ISO, U.S FDA, British BSI and Canadian CMDCAS medical device standards. The Andropenis is one of only two penile enhancement devices that have gained registrations under the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (ARTG ID #365771).